Darlington Mind Earns Prestigious Place in National Exhibition

Caption: “I Have Seen More Than My Eyes Have Seen,” by Martin, Denise, and Joanne
Caption: Artwork seen in residence with Gemma Byrne – Policy and Campaigns Manager for Mind (left) and Baroness Merron – Minister for Mental Health (right)

Work by members of Darlington Mind Art group entitled, “I Have Seen More Than My Eyes Have Seen,” has been selected for inclusion in a prestigious national exhibition in Parliament. The week-long exhibition, organised by Mind’s national branch, will highlight the real-life experiences of individuals affected by the Mental Health Act, offering MPs a powerful visual insight into the urgent need for reform.

This timely exhibition coincides with the ongoing journey of the Mental Health Act reform bill through Parliament. Throughout the event, Mind is campaigning to ensure that individuals' voices are heard and their rights are protected when they are unwell and receiving treatment in hospital.
The Darlington Mind Art Group has thriving in the local community for decades; the artwork featured in the exhibition was created nearly ten years ago as a collaborative effort among three of its members. Each artist reflects on their personal experiences with inpatient care, mental health struggles, and how these challenges have become deeply rooted in their sense of self. Inspired by a painting created by one of the contributors while in hospital, “I Have Seen More Than My Eyes Have Seen” fuses words and imagery to powerfully convey the connection between mental health and identity.

The piece captures the complex journey through mental health difficulties, depicting the overwhelming downward spiral that many individuals face, the confusion and conflicting emotions at their lowest points, and ultimately, the hope and acceptance that pave the way toward recovery. The artwork shows the cyclical nature of mental health challenges, which, though recurring for many, can be alleviated with the right support—support that is often not readily available.

Simon Davidson, CEO of Darlington Mind, said: “We are incredibly proud that this piece has been selected for such an important exhibition. The powerful imagery of this artwork is sure to spark meaningful conversation, and we hope that, alongside other contributions, it inspires MPs to make vital changes to the Mental Health Act and the systems that support it. This is an opportunity to learn from the past and ensure a better future for those affected by mental health issues.”

The exhibition at Parliament will provide a unique platform to amplify the voices of those impacted by the Mental Health Act and drive forward necessary changes for the future of mental health care in the UK.

Darlington Mind, a local independent charity affiliated to National Mind, provides a wide range of support services to help people experiencing emotional and mental health problems across Darlington, Hambleton, Richmondshire and South Durham.

To find out more about the services we provide, please visit our Services and Support page or contact your nearest branch:

St Hilda’s House, 11 Borough Road, Darlington. DL1 1SQ
01325 283169 / contactus@darlingtonmind.com

First floor, 159/160 High Street, Northallerton. DL7 8JZ
01609 780758 / nyteam@darlingtonmind.com 

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