Can Playing Rugby Be Positive for Mental Wellbeing?

The links between good physical health and regularly playing sports like rugby are well recognised and documented. Indeed as well as participation in a game the training sessions are hugely important to improve physical fitness and stamina. But what about the benefits to our mental health?

Rugby is a sport that offers a range of social, and mental health benefits. According to England Rugby, physical activity such as playing rugby can be very beneficial for mental health and wellbeing as well as bringing physical benefits. Rugby can help build self-esteem and confidence in a number of ways: 

- A sense a of achievement, whether that is from performing well in a game, or from beating a personal training goal, this all feeds in to our mental health and wellbeing, alongside endorphins (chemicals hormones in your brain) your body releases when doing activities such as exercise. Endorphins help can us to feel good by relieving pain, reducing stress and improving our sense of mental wellbeing.

- Playing rugby can provide players with a sense of purpose and direction. This is especially true for young people who may be struggling to find their place in the world. By dedicating themselves to a sport they love, players can gain a sense of belonging and direction that can help improve mental health. Engaging in a sport or hobby you love, such as rugby, can be very mindful and helps us to relax and recharge. This can be a great way to reduce anxiety and stress.

- Through participation in games and structured training sessions, rugby can develop the key mental skills such as self-control, concentration, discipline, decision making and even leadership. Such important skills transcend from the game into all aspects of daily life.

- Even after the physical game itself has ended, the benefits of playing don’t stop. The social aspect and team camaraderie stretches far beyond the 80 minutes spent playing on the pitch. Most players are compelled to go into the clubhouse for a post-match meal and drink (or two). There is a kind of inbuilt expectation that, whatever the result, the team remains together and spends time with one another, which can often provide a much-needed sense of purpose and very positive peer support, which can be great to help reduce loneliness.

Overall, rugby is a great way to stay active and improve mental health. It is important to note that rugby is a contact sport and can be physically demanding. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary precautions to avoid injury and ensure safety while playing. Check with a GP or qualified health professional if you have any concerns prior to playing. If you are interested in playing rugby, have a look for your local clubs to see when and where they meet. They might even offer trial days or training sessions to get you started.

Further support:

Darlington Mind offers a range of group activities where you can socialise, be creative or learn new skills such as Emotional Resilience classes, art, gardening, creative writing, walking or social drop-in sessions - all of which are design to provide positive distraction, focus and chance to meet like minded people and make friends; you can veiw all of our services here.

Please contact us to find out more. Email: or Tel: 01325 283169 Mobile: 07572 888084 

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