This project delivers counselling and awareness sessions for young people throughout Darlington.

Darlington Mind works with a number of other local partners to deliver the project for young people in our area.

We are actively working with young people who have been affected by mental health concerns, aged 11 to 18 who are deemed at risk.

The project offers counselling for young people who are experiencing emotional and mental distress, and has proved very successful in helping young people to develop coping skills, and in overcoming feelings of not being in control.

What can I expect?

We offer two proven workshops, which are focussed on emotional and exam resilience, as well as providing support around coping skills.

How can I access this service?

If you are 11 - 18, living in Darlington, you can access support or request more information by:
Telephone: 01325 283169 or 07572 888084 (mobile)

Session Fees

Free of charge - Please email or telephone us for further information.

Our clients say…

  • “Thank you for all the help it really has made a difference to my life, I feel much happier!”
  • “The support I was given was very good, it has made me feel less negative, thanks”

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© Darlington Mind 2024. All rights reserved. Registered Charity No. 1093140. Company Limited by Guarantee No: 04433988

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